Tips to lose the fear of Italian

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Speaking Italian in public is one of the biggest challenges that English-speaking students face. This drawback causes a certain block in the process of learning and mastering the foreign language. Since it is a common problem, here are some tips to lose the fear of Italian.

Practice every-day vocabulary

What are the steps to follow to lose the fear of Italian?

As we have said, many English-speaking students feel uncomfortable and fearful when they speak Italian in public. In general, many people are afraid to express themselves, to say something wrong or not to be understood.

In this sense, many language students spend most of their time reading in Italian, practicing writing, but they spend very little time on the most important exercise: speaking in Italian. For this reason, we have developed a series of tips that will help you to be confident in public, acquire a proficiency in the language and lose your fear of Italian.

Analyse your fear

We need to face our fears. For this, it is essential to know why it exists and what are the causes that prevent you from becoming uninhibited when speaking Italian in public. We recommend you clear your mind, relax, and remove the fear of making mistakes. Remember that you can also learn from mistakes.

Practice with everyday expressions to lose your fear of Italian

What are the steps to follow to lose the fear of Italian?

It is important to analyze which phrases you use daily. This will help you think about what you usually talk about, how you interact with those around you, what stories you usually tell, and other aspects of your daily conversations. To help you lose your fear of Italian, we recommend that you:

  • Create a list of categories about your common conversations
  • Determine what questions you would ask in these contexts. If you are a beginner in the language, it will be easier for you to write the questions in English and then translate them into Italian.
  • Write the possible answers in Italian, you can do it in several days

Finally, say the questions and answers aloud to practice your pronunciation and try to keep them fluent during the conversation in Italian.

Don’t compare yourself to others

Don’t waste your time seeing how badly or how well others speak Italian. Each person has a unique learning pace. On the contrary, invest your time in analyzing yourself and see what and how you should improve.

Forget the accent to lose the fear of Italian

Without a doubt, the phonetics of the language is essential, and you need to learn the pronunciation of each word. However, the first thing you should focus on is understanding Italian and being able to express it. Once you have mastered the language, you will have the opportunity to choose the accent you want.

Listen to your words

We recommend that you record your own voice to listen to it repeatedly. It may seem inconvenient to do this, however, you will get used to it and see the results. Repeating yourself and listening to yourself is the best way to perceive mistakes and do everything possible to avoid repeating them.

Practice with a friend to lose your fear of Italian

Look for a close friend or family member who knows the language or is learning like you. Speaking Italian with that person will allow you to become more fluent and maintain motivation in learning.

Speak Italian with a native speaker

Tips to lose the fear of Italian

Conversations between native speakers tend to be fast and complicated. Don’t be afraid of speaking the foreign language at your own pace with a single native person who is willing to correct you when needed.

Think in Italian

It may seem a bit ridiculous option, but it is really effective. And actually, one of the biggest problems for us, English-speakers, is that we think in English to express ourselves in Italian.

Be positive

Be positive about the process and visualize your short- and medium-term success. Usually, the fear of Italian is due to low self-esteem. Thinking positive reduces a large part of your fear and frees you from anxiety.

Make the language a habit

Make most of your daily activities happen in Italian. Listen to music, watch your favorite movies and series, listen to the radio, read the news, check social networks, do everything, but in Italian. The fact that it is part of your daily life is essential to lose the fear of Italian.

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