The 7 best languages to learn in 2022

The 7 best languages to learn in 2022

Now that 2022 is starting, learning a new language is an excellent New Year’s resolution. This way you will get great benefits related to your professional and academic growth. That is why, in today’s article, we will tell you which are the 7 best languages to learn in 2022.

Why learn a new language?

Learning new languages will help you develop your intellectual and cognitive abilities. By learning a language, your brain will be kept in constant motion and you will avoid cognitive decline. In addition, it will also provide great benefits to your mental health, helping you to cope with anxiety and panic.

Advantages of online language learning

In that sense, some of the best languages to learn in 2022 are the following:


China is currently one of the fastest-growing countries in the world. However, to live, study or work in China you need to be fluent in Mandarin Chinese, or one of the most widely spoken dialects in the country.

Learning Mandarin Chinese is an excellent investment for the future. In a few years, the need to master the language of China will be a reality impossible to deny. This language requires a great deal of concentration, as it is a completely different alphabet.


online language learning

When it comes to Europe, Germany is one of the countries that stands out the most. Its economy is one of the strongest on the continent, so living in this country is a true first-world experience. So learning German will be one of the best language challenges to learn in 2022.

Although it may not seem like it, it is not an overly complex language. Therefore, with concentration and truly skilled teachers, you will achieve your goal optimally and efficiently.


English is, of course, the most important language in the world today. It is spoken almost everywhere in the world and is used for international business relations. For this reason, learning English will always be the best of all your alternatives. And the good news is that it is a simple language.

However, it does require the support of trained teachers to help you achieve this goal. Especially when it comes to pronunciation, which is one of the most complex factors in mastering English.


Arabic is one of the most powerful languages in the world. Not only because of the number of speakers around the world, but also because of the capacity for future growth that Arabic-speaking countries have, in any of their dialects.

This is a very important factor to take into account as, in today’s times, the most important thing is to master languages that promise success within the next few years, in order to ensure a promising future.


French is one of the best languages to learn in the new year 2022. According to several studies, the growth of African countries is imminent. For this reason, preparing yourself in the mastery of French will make you a fit person to live in this area, no matter what the reason is.

Moreover, France is one of those countries in Europe that will never go out of fashion, not to mention that it is also one of the best countries to live in.


Although the world’s political situation is complex, Russia is one of the world’s major powers, so, be that as it may, its economy is stable and its culture is very interesting.

It is certainly a difficult language to learn, especially for Spanish speakers. However, mastering Russian will bring you great benefits and will make your professional profile one of the most attractive in any job interview.


Like English, Spanish is one of the most important languages in the world. The number of Spanish speakers is very dense, so, as with English, you will always find someone who speaks Spanish.

Benefits of online language learning

The 7 best languages to learn in 2022

Now that you know which are the best languages to learn this new year, you should know that there are multiple learning methodologies, including online vs. face-to-face learning.

Nowadays, online learning is very useful for people who have to distribute their time among several commitments. But no matter which learning method you choose, no one can deny the benefits of learning new languages.

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