Online vs face-to-face English language academy

Online vs face-to-face English language academy

Language learning is an essential need in today’s world. However, when you are going to start learning, many questions arise, including the choice of English language school. For this reason, in today’s article we will tell you everything you need to know to choose between an online vs. face-to-face English language school.

What is an English language school?

Face-to-face English Academy

An English language school is, quite simply, a certified institution where you will be taught everything you need to know to master this new language to perfection. Normally, they also offer classes to learn other languages, such as French or Italian. In addition, they have different modalities: online learning and face-to-face learning.

In the case of online learning, it is taught using technological resources, so that you do not have to go directly to the academy to receive your lessons. On the other hand, face-to-face learning means that you have to attend regularly to receive your English lessons in a classroom.

Both alternatives provide advantages and disadvantages, as they are learning modalities that are adapted to the personal reality of each individual. Therefore, before starting to learn with an English language school, it is necessary to determine which type of learning modality you wish to acquire.

Online English Language Academy

Online learning has increasingly become a modality supported by thousands of people around the world. Undeniably, much of this reality is determined by confinement and the covid-19 pandemic but even in those areas where confinement measures have been reduced, online learning is here to stay.


Advantages An online English language academy has many advantages, especially for people who spend a large part of their days busy with other activities. For example, people who work in an office or a shop have to attend their workplace every day, so they do not have much free time to go to an English language school.

In these cases, online language learning will be of great help.. This type of methodology offers you flexibility with your timetable and allows you to study wherever you are, as long as you have access to an internet network.

Online English Language Academy


However, there are times when an online English language school may not always be the best alternative. This type of learning requires responsibility and commitment, not including the ability to be self-taught. For, even if you have teachers and tutors, much of the effort will be personal.

For this reason, online learning only works for disciplined people who can make time in their daily schedules to learn a new language. In addition, this requires a good internet connection that is stable and allows you access to follow the lessons.

Face-to-face English language schools

Face-to-face English language schools are the most traditional way to learn a new language. However, they are an excellent alternative for certain types of people, so it is necessary to know their advantages and disadvantages.


What is an English language school?

The main advantage of a face-to-face English language school is that it allows constant interaction between the student and the teacher. In this way, it is an excellent option for those who require constant support to achieve their goals. In addition, interacting with other students may also be of help in mastering the language.


Obviously, attending an in-person English language school involves a greater investment of time and money. To do this, you have to fit it into your daily schedule.

This is why the main disadvantage of face-to-face English language schools is that, as you have to be in person, you can lose a lot of time between travelling to the area and taking your lessons.

Which is the best option?

Determining which is the best option between an online vs. face-to-face English language school is a personal decision that must be adjusted to the individual needs and realities of each person.

Online vs face-to-face English language academy

What is true is that an online English language school provides multiple benefits over face-to-face English language courses, especially for those who do not have a lot of time on a daily basis but wish to master this new language.

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