Simona Darchi

Simona is the chef of our Italian cooking workshops. She was born and raised in Viadana, near Mantua (Italy). Her passion for cooking dates back to her childhood, when she used to cook with her mother and grandmother for the whole big family. Simona offers Italian cooking workshops for Kaleido Languages ​​students, and she does so with the same passion and experience that her mother, a bold and original cooking teacher, has passed on to her. Learn more about her Italian Cooking Workshops.

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English  Placement test

Select the correct answer. Then, write a short text choosing one of the two options.

Test di italiano

Scegli la risposta corretta. Successivamente, scegli un tema per una breve composizione scritta.

Test de español

Escoge la respuesta correcta. Sucesivamente, escoge un tema para escribir un breve texto. 

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