Learn Italian online

Learn Italian online

Italy is known as one of the most visited countries in the world, and rightly so, since it is possible to find a great variety of architectural wonders, as well as an endless number of activities related to fashion, gastronomy, handicrafts, education and many other things. For many people, studying in these lands is a possibility that they do not discard in its entirety. So, don’t wait any longer: learn Italian online.

The best courses: learn Italian online

Nowadays, it is essential to study more than one language so that you can open up a wide range of opportunities in the future. However, learning Italian online is an option that offers you the latest technology and modernity from the comfort of your own home.

Learn Italian online: strategies

That’s why, if you want to start developing your language skills, you can adapt your time and space with the following online platforms:

  1. Preply: is one of the platforms preferred by users because of its ability to offer personalised, live lessons (but beware: there are many non-professionals).
  2. FutureLearn with Unistrasi: is known as one of the best alternatives for those looking to develop completely free courses.
  3. Learn Italian with Italiano Automatico: this online site, guarantees the best audio content for participants.
  4. Scuola Leonardo da Vinci: When it comes to group development, this platform has all the skills and capabilities for this function. You will be able to interact with your peers and improve your pronunciation.
  5. edX with Wellesley College: if you are at the professional learning level you can use this web platform.
  6. The Mimic Method: if you have been learning Italian for some time, you can use this medium to further improve your Italian pronunciation.

Like these, there are many online platforms where you can learn Italian in no time. The best thing is that many of them offer levels that allow you to progress according to your learning pace and the time you have available to access the lessons.

Learning Italian online: strategies

Once you have selected the platform on which you decide to start your Italian lessons, it is essential that you add some techniques to your learning routine. Only in this way will you be able to develop your objectives correctly and successfully. Among these we can mention:

1. Get an Italian dictionary

Even if you take lessons through Internet platforms, it is important that you always have a dictionary at hand to help you resolve any doubts you may have about words. You don’t need a large dictionary, a smaller one is more than sufficient.

2. Learning and pronouncing the alphabet

Although it may seem like a fairly obvious technique to develop, it is worth remembering to continually practise writing and pronouncing the entire alphabet. In this way, you will increase your ability to pronounce Italian correctly.

The best courses: learn Italian online

3. Search for Italian texts

Another very useful technique for learning Italian through online media is to supplement your Italian by searching for Italian texts. Then you should try not only to recognise the words that are there, but also to read sentences in a row and pronounce them in the best possible way.

4. Interact frequently in class

It’s normal to feel a bit scared to take part in virtual lessons when you’re in a group, but it’s important to bear in mind that this is a method that will help you understand pronunciation much better. Also, you can look on the bright side, it will help you lose your fear of public speaking.

5. Use writing to learn and remember

Learn Italian online

It is normal that, while learning the language, there are some words that you may forget or that seem difficult to pronounce. For this reason, you can always keep a notebook handy where you repeat the word over and over again until you manage to memorise it.

In addition to these, there are many other techniques you can practise, the main thing is that you always choose the ones that are most comfortable for you. Learn Italian online, don’t wait any longer, you won’t regret it.

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