The best films to improve your Italian

Italian, alongside English and French, is one of the most popular languages when it comes to choosing a language for further studies. Teaching techniques for each of them vary. However, films to improve your Italian are a fun option that will allow you to learn in an enjoyable way.

What are the best films to improve my Italian?

Italian films are great for improving your Italian, as the film market offers a variety of options with excellent actors and engaging storylines not only for local audiences, but also for foreigners.

Among the wide range of possible films, we present these options with a short synopsis, so that you can brush up on your Italian:

1. La Vita è Bella

This is a very interesting film, winner of several awards, for its extraordinary storytelling. Part of the story is about the characters’ experiences in the Holocaust, where many lost their lives. And where others were lucky enough to survive and thus be able to tell their experiences.

If you like this kind of film about what happened during the Second World War, you will undoubtedly learn the language much faster and with incredible ease. Because what motivates you will help you to develop an inspiration that drives you to achieve your goals.

2. Viva la Libertà

Another European blockbuster is undoubtedly ‘Viva la Libertà’, directed by Roberto Andò. This film is based on a story related to political ideals, showing how one of the main characters goes into crisis because he is betrayed by his cabinet. Thus generating a crucial outcome for this film.

3. La Meglio Gioventù

La Meglio Gioventù is a beautiful film because it shows a message of solidarity and support for those who need it most. This film tells the story of young people who want to change the world through their actions in order to give charity to others affected by life’s circumstances.

It can therefore be said that this is a very useful film, which also leaves a strong message to society. Furthermore, you will be able to relate Italian words that you surely already have in mind, facilitating and increasing your vocabulary in this beautiful language.

4. Manuale d’Amore

Finally, we leave you with this top film ‘Manuale d’Amore’, a film in which you can appreciate love, in its different stages. Making clear the message of this film, that love, despite its ups and downs and all the transformations it can give people, remains just that, love.

Undoubtedly, this is a film that will make you reflect on certain actions, while at the same time will help your learning process through a very comprehensible Italian speech for the viewer.

Why watch films to improve your Italian?

The best films to improve your Italian

Films are an entertaining and versatile medium when it comes to conveying a message. So people can learn through the different imitations that actors can offer. Moreover, if you already have a previous knowledge of the Italian language, this will be an infallible technique to brush up on your basic knowledge.

If you can appreciate some of the films recommended above, you will notice that there are words closely related to your language. For example: ‘La vita è bella’. A very meaningful phrase, the meaning of which you can decipher at first glance. And as far as its pronunciation is concerned, you just have to put your ear to it.

Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of these kinds of phrases that abound in this language and relate them to our own for a better understanding of this Romance language. The best thing is that these phrases, which are very similar to our own, give us an additional incentive to learn this beautiful language and perfect it every day.

Is it useful to learn Italian with films?

Why watch films to improve your Italian?

Taking the above into account, we can say that, without a doubt, it is very fruitful to improve any language with films, and Italian is no exception. Mainly because your brain will adapt to listening to these words every day. Even if you have no one to practise with, this is a great option. It gives you all the tools you need, while you have fun and the learning process takes off.

Another great advantage of improving your Italian with films is that you can pause films whenever you want. This way you can focus your attention on the phrases that seem problematic to you. You can also take note of details and learn at your own pace.

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