5 tips and tricks to learn a language faster

5 tips and tricks to learn a language faster

Learning a language is the key to achieving competitiveness in various aspects of life. Indeed, every day we face demands that require new knowledge, skills and abilities in order to grow. Therefore, today we have decided to show you some useful tips and tricks for learning a language faster.

What are the tricks for learning a language faster?

Many people believe that children have a greater ability to learn a new language. However, you should know that, as adults, we have the same chances as children to learn foreign languages. You just need to have the will and undertake a number of practices that facilitate effective learning.

Make conversation in the new language

Here are 5 simple tips or tricks to learn a language faster.

1. Make conversation in the new language

Conversation is practising everything you have learned about the language you are learning. Some experts recommend having at least an hour of conversation every now and then with other people who are fluent in the language you are learning. This is because it is estimated that this practice is equivalent to 5 hours of lessons and 10 hours of individual study.

In addition, the conversation process is so comprehensive that it involves listening to the other person, understanding their words, mentally organising the answer and expressing it orally. Keep in mind that language depends on processing, not memorisation. Therefore, it is advisable to think in the foreign language instead of thinking in English and translating.

2. Watch movies and television

As well as being a means of entertainment and distraction, television and movies are very effective means of learning foreign languages. On the Internet, you can find several streaming sites offering a variety of movies in languages such as Italian, German or French. Without a doubt, this is one of the best tricks for learning a language faster.

What are the tricks for learning a language faster?

Therefore, access to these tools will help you understand the language. The best thing is that you do not need to be an expert to practice, as you can help yourself at the beginning with the use of subtitles translated into English.

3. Change the language of apps and mobile devices

By setting the foreign language on your electronic devices, you increase the possibility of daily interaction with the language you are learning. This is a great tool that will allow you to develop the language in a more natural and intuitive way.

4. Listening to music and podcasts in the target language

Listening to music and podcasts in the target language allows you to develop language skills and increase your learning proficiency. As many artists tend to use colloquial language in their songs, listening to music in the target language will allow you to become more familiar with the retention of everyday words and phrases.

5. Stay consistent

At first, every new project awakens enthusiasm and the desire to devote time to it. However, as the days go by, you may find that your interest wanes due to the influence of your daily routine, stress at work, family responsibilities or any other factor.

5 tips and tricks to learn a language faster

As an example, we have all experienced the situation of seeing how after a couple of lessons many classmates have abandoned the learning journey. Although you might think that you are not one of those students, the truth is that anyone could face the situation of dropping out.

Therefore, we advise you to maintain this interest as if it were the first day of learning the new language. To do this, we give you the following advice:

  • Remember the reasons that inspired you to learn a new language. Stick quotes that inspire you at all times (you can do this on the mirror you use every morning, or in your workspace). You can also talk to your loved ones about your intentions, and imagine what it will be like when you reach your goal.
  • Enter the culture of the language you have chosen to learn. To do this, you can eat its cuisine, watch movies and TV shows in that language, as well as research countries where that language is spoken, looking for news about territories that speak that official language.
  • We advise you to fall more and more in love with the language you have decided to learn and, of course, to travel. The latter will be essential in order to have communication experiences with native speakers of your target language.

In addition to all these tricks for learning a language faster (which is ideal for developing your learning skills on your own), we advise you to put your future in the hands of the best professionals. In this way, you will master the foreign language easily, in the shortest possible time.

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