Studying Italian online

Studying Italian online

Although the number of Covid-19 mass contagions has decreased over the months, and the chances of vaccinating the entire population are increasing, online education seems to be one of those innovations that are here to stay. For this reason, today we’re going to tell you everything you need to know to study Italian online and get the most out of it.

What are the advantages of studying Italian online?

What are the advantages of studying Italian online?

The reasons for studying a language online are numerous. It has been shown to encourage creativity and improve willpower and discipline in the learning process. In this sense, the benefits of studying Italian online have also been demonstrated.

Furthermore, learning Italian online allows you to get to know yourself better and, above all, your study pace. When you study from home, you won’t have the pressure of a teacher on you constantly, so you’ll have to forge your own will to practice frequently and get results in learning the new language.

Some of the advantages of studying Italian online are as follows:

It will be cheaper

It may not seem like it, but by studying Italian online, you’ll be able to save some money by avoiding the extra transport costs you’d have if you had to go to an Italian language school in person.

You will make better use of your time

Learning a new language online means organising your time according to your needs. As there is no fixed timetable, you can adapt your learning according to your schedule. In this way, you will make better use of your time, having the possibility to use your evenings to dedicate yourself to studying Italian online, and using the day for other activities.

You can study from the comfort of your own home

Probably one of the main advantages of studying online is that you can do it wherever you want. For this, you only need internet access and time at your disposal and you will be able to learn from the comfort of your bed or even in a café, restaurant, or in your free time at work.

The Internet will be your best tool

Studying at a distance, you will have better resources than studying at home. Especially because with just a few clicks, you can access thousands of videos, additional study guides or Italian language books that you can consult at the right time.

It will be a personal challenge

If learning a new language is a personal challenge in itself, learning Italian online is a bigger one. Achieving it will help you develop your self-esteem and confidence in your abilities and possibilities, so your self-confidence will grow and your mental health will improve.

Tips for studying Italian online

Tips for studying Italian online

Studying Italian online can be one of the best experiences of your life. But we also know that it is not an easy challenge. By making use of the following tips, you will be able to learn this new language online and avoid giving up along the way:

Organise your time

Organisation is the key to studying Italian online. If you don’t get organised, no one else will do it for you, and lessons can start to pile up. For this reason, the best thing to do is to establish a fixed timetable that fits in with your habits and that you can stick to regularly.

Use the best tools

For obvious reasons, online resources are excellent allies for learning a language online. So don’t limit yourself to the basics, and use existing tools to improve your learning, developing a high level of Italian.


Practice is important, and even more so when it comes to studying Italian online. Ideally, you should make Italian your second language by having conversations in Italian, or by constantly reviewing vocabulary to refresh your knowledge and put it into practice.

Taking notes

Even if you’re studying online, don’t forget to take notes. This is the only way to have material at hand to answer your questions. Also, you don’t need to take notes in a notebook, you can use technology and create notes on your laptop, or why not, on your mobile device.

How to study Italian online?

Studying Italian online

Although it is true that you can find many free courses and videos on the Internet for studying Italian online, it is best to seek professional help from a language expert or a language school.

Keep in mind that seeking professional help will allow you to learn with people who are experts in the field. You will also acquire useful tools according to your process and progress.

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