Rosalía Pérez

Rosalía is not only a certified ELE Spanish teacher, with a PhD in Spanish Literature and who has collaborated with the Cervantes Institute teaching classes and being a DELE examiner, but she also teaches workshops on personal and comprehensive growth.

She has traveled through universities in different countries (Spain, Germany, Puerto Rico, India, USA) training in literature, art, mysticism, yoga, dance and body awareness. Delving into the connections between the body, mind, and emotions, she soon understood that working the emotional world is a necessary step for personal and spiritual growth. Rosalía is the author of several books, including Abraza tus emociones, in which she explores primary emotions through techniques such as art therapy, mindfulness and yoga, and ¿Quién soy yo? Claves para conocerte a ti mismo y mejorar tus relaciones con el mundo.

At Kaleido Languages We are proud to be able to count on Rosalía for the Spanish courses and, above all, for her unique and exclusive laboratories, which will not only help you improve your Spanish, but will also awaken your emotions and awareness of yourself through a series of artistic and cultural tours linked to the Hispanic world. Click here to learn more.


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English  Placement test

Select the correct answer. Then, write a short text choosing one of the two options.

Test di italiano

Scegli la risposta corretta. Successivamente, scegli un tema per una breve composizione scritta.

Test de español

Escoge la respuesta correcta. Sucesivamente, escoge un tema para escribir un breve texto. 

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